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The HVAC Office is a suite of programs designed to perform all of the functions needed by the HVAC service contractor to handle service work order dispatch, invoicing, and office accounting.

[tabs slidertype=”left tabs” ]

[tabtext]Main Features[/tabtext]
[tabtext]HVAC Central[/tabtext]
[tabtext]HVAC Remote[/tabtext]
[tabtext]HVAC Downloads[/tabtext]
[tabtext]HVAC Pricing[/tabtext]



HVAC – Main Features

Service Dispatch Calendar Screen

Service Dispatch

The main work area of the program is the service dispatch area where customer work orders are entered, dispatched, and invoiced.

Customer Contract Browse Screen

Customer Contracts

Keep track of ongoing customer maintenance service agreements with the customer contract area.

Inventory Dashboard Screen

Inventory Management

The inventory area and management reports give you a complete look of item usage and needs.

FlatRate Catalog Browse Screen

Flat Rate Catalog

There is an integrated flat rate catalog area where you can enter and print your own flat rate catalogs for your technicians as well as being able to import from your purchased flat rate catalog vendors.

Customer Inquiry Browse Screen

Customer History

A complete history is maintained of customer invoices and receipts as well as service time sheet entry and equipment notes.

Document Imaging Entry Screen

Document Imaging

A full featured document imaging system is integrated directly into the service order entry area to maintain archival of paper documents related to each work order.

Job Costing Entry Screen

Job Costing

A full job costing module is included to determine job related revenue and costing.

QuickBooks Transfer Menu

Quickbooks Integration

Customer invoices, receipts, purchase orders, and timesheet entries are easily transferred to Quickbooks utilizing our Is2 Quickbooks Xml Server. Customers, inventory items, and vendors are added to Quickbooks automatically as documents are transferred.

Purchase Order Entry Screen

Purchase Orders

Purchase orders are integrated with work order entry to better keep track of job related expenses.

HVAC Remote Technician Service Dispatch Calendar Screen

Remote Technician

An added bonus is the Remote Technician program which allows technicians to work in the field without being tethered to the Internet. The technician has a full set of programs to work with for vendor purchase orders, customer estimates, and customer work orders along with access to customer service order history.



HVAC Central Office Edition

The HVAC Central Office Edition is a software program designed to handle all accounting functions and the dispatch and billing of service order and job related invoices in the heating, ventilation, air conditioning, and plumbing industry.


Download HVAC Central Free Trial Version

[button link=”/hvac/install_hvac_central.exe” type=”icon”] Download[/button]

The HVAC Central Office program provides all the functions of a general ledger, accounts receivable, accounts payable, and a payroll system — plus invoicing and inventory control, service order entry and dispatch, job costing.

Service Dispatch Calendar

The main work area of the program is the service dispatch calendar area where customer work orders are entered, dispatched, and invoiced.  There are two views of the calendar – a grid view and a calendar view. From the grid view, work orders can be filtered by any field on the data grid. From the calendar view, the work orders can be viewed by day, by week, by month, and by technician.

Service Dispatch - Grid View
Service Dispatch - Calendar View

Work Order Entry

Work orders are used to enter customer appointment information, record information about equipment installed and the service call itself, and later to bill the customer as an invoice. Time sheet entries and document imaging of the service documents are recorded in the work order. Work orders can originate from customer estimates and can have equipment and parts entered for the job on purchase orders.

Customer Quotes / Estimates

Customer estimates give your salespeople and excellent tool for providing price quotes to your customers and start the job costing estimation process. Work Orders can be created from customer estimates. Multiple types of estimate printouts are allowed to provide commercial customers a more extensive price quote than residential customers.

Customer Contracts

Keep track of ongoing customer maintenance service agreements with the customer contract area. Work Orders for future visits can be created with the agreements. Completed work orders and other billing are associated with the agreements.

Company Inventory Management

The company inventory area and management reports give you a complete look of item usage and needs. Quick filtering and lookup of items with the browse screen. Very detailed descriptions, notes, and item information in the entry screen. An inventory dashboard to get a concise view of item entry across the multiple documents of the system.

Truck Inventory Management

Easily create, duplicate, and track your truck inventories which is integrated with the company inventory, purchase orders, and invoicing.

Flat Rate Catalog

There is an integrated flat rate catalog area where you can enter and print your own flat rate catalogs for your technicians as well as being able to import from your purchased flat rate catalog vendors. There are separate price reports for the office and for the customer.

Customer Document History

A complete history is maintained of customer invoices and receipts as well as service time sheet entry and equipment notes. There are individual historical document areas which can be queried by date ranges and varied lookup fields.

Integrated Document Imaging

A full featured document imaging system is integrated directly into the service order entry area to maintain archival of paper documents related to each work order. Multi-page images can be added as one document image.

Job Costing

A full job costing module is included to determine job related revenue and costing. This module consolidates information originating from a job estimate plus revenue and costing from invoicing, receipts, vendor invoices, and employee payroll entries to give a complete picture of the job revenue and cost totals.

Purchase Orders

Vendor purchase orders are integrated with work order entry to better keep track of job related expenses.

Quickbooks Integration

Customer invoices, receipts, purchase orders, and timesheet entries are easily transferred to Quickbooks utilizing our Is2 Quickbooks Xml Server. Customers, inventory items, and vendors are added to Quickbooks automatically as documents are transferred.



HVAC Remote Technician Edition

The HVAC Remote Technician Edition is a software program designed to work in tandem with the HVAC Central Office program.

It allows a technician to be dispatched his workorders onto a laptop or tablet pc, take the laptop into the field, view the customer workorder and customer history while in the field, make changes to the workorder, write up and print the customer invoice while in the field, and then upon returning to the office download his completed workorders.

[button link=”/hvac_remote/install_hvac_remote.exe” type=”icon”] Download[/button]

Download HVAC Remote Free Trial Version

The remote technician program does not require a constant connnection to the internet. It will work completely disconnected since it contains all needed data to perform customer history lookups on the dispatched workorders.

The remote technician program contains the same estimate and work order entry areas as the Central Office program. For security reasons, some entry mechanisms are restricted to not allow the technician to override functions that would normally be done by the main office.

HVAC Remote Main Menu

HVAC Remote - Main Menu

The main work area of the program is the Service Dispatch area. Here the technician will be able to view, edit, and print workorders and invoices.

The technician synchronizes with the central office by clicking on the Synchronize Workorders With Office button. This starts a process that will send workorders from the remote and pull workorders from the central. After synchronizing, the technician will see the workorders assigned to his tech id in the central office.

When work orders are pulled from the central datastore, customer histories are also pulled for each workorder based on the customer id on the work order. This will help the technician to be able to view customer invoice histories, customer contracts, and customer notes while he is on the job site.

The technician uses the dispatched workorder for the site service information and later to write up the completed work order and then invoice the customer.

HVAC Remote – Service Dispatch Calendar

The main work area of the program is the service dispatch calendar area where customer work orders are entered, dispatched, and invoiced. There are two views of the calendar – a grid view and a calendar view. From the grid view, work orders can be filtered by any field on the data grid. From the calendar view, the work orders can be viewed by day, by week, by month, and by technician.

Service Dispatch - Grid View

Service Dispatch - Calendar View - Day

Service Dispatch - Calendar View - Week

Service Dispatch - Map

Service Dispatch - Work Order Printout

Service Dispatch - Completed Work Order Printout

HVAC Remote – Work Order Entry

Work orders are used to enter what occurred on the service call, billing items, and timesheet entries, and invoice the customer. You may also scan in document images for transfer to the central office. Work orders originate from the service dispatch of the HVAC Central Office program.

HVAC Remote – Customer Quotes / Estimates

The customer estimates allows the technician to create, print, email price quotes right at the customer site.

HVAC Remote – Vendor Purchase Orders

Vendor purchase orders can be created and printed or emailed while at job site.



HVAC Program Downloads

You may download a fully operational copy of the HVAC Central program and Remote Technician program to determine if the programs fit your company’s needs.

There is no time limit placed on the executables. The only limitation is that you will only be connecting with our datacenter in Dallas, Texas to the HVAC Sample company to access and store your data.

A word of caution. With your testing, you will be viewing and entering data that will also be viewed by other companies wishing to perform a trial test. So please do not enter sensitive data that you do not wish other companies to see.

HVAC Central Office Downloads


HVAC Central Office – Install


[button link=”/hvac/install_hvac_central.exe” type=”icon”] Download[/button]

HVAC Central Office – Update


[button link=”/hvac/update_hvac_central.exe” type=”icon”] Download[/button]

HVAC Central Office Setup Manual

[button link=”/hvac/help/hvac_central_manual.pdf” type=”icon” icon=”paper”] Download[/button]



HVAC Remote Technician Downloads


HVAC Remote Technician – Full Install with Database


[button link=”/hvac_remote/install_hvac_remote.exe” type=”icon”] Download[/button]
HVAC Remote Technician – Update Only


[button link=”/hvac_remote/update_hvac_remote.exe” type=”icon”] Download[/button]
HVAC Remote Technician Setup Manual
[button link=”/hvac_remote/help/hvac_remote_manual.pdf” type=”icon” icon=”paper”] Download[/button]
TeamViewer Remote Control – Install

Version 7

[button link=”/teamviewer/teamviewer_host_setup.exe” type=”icon”] Download[/button]



HVAC Pricing

There are two options for purchasing the hosted HVAC office software, monthly billing or annual billing. The annual billing will save you one month of billing ( $150.00 ). Monthly billing is charged to your credit card automatically each month. Annual prepay is paid one time per year either by invoice or your online payment.

The hosted version is sold on a monthly basis with auto payment via your credit card occurring based on the day that you signed up. There is no long term contract to sign.

You may end service at any time. To end your monthly service, simply log into your user account on this website and disable your monthly subscription. Your service will continue to the end of your paid billing cycle. At the end of your service, you may request the database of your data.

Cost of monthly service is $150.00 per month. Additional charges per month may be required for more than 10 users accessing at the same time.

The Remote Technician program is charged per installed desktop or laptop. The remote technician can be installed multiple times on a desktop or laptop if multiple technicians are using the same laptop.


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HVAC Office PricingFor Texas Customers Only( Includes Texas Sales Tax )
Monthly Subscription $162.38 per month

$150.00Read more

Annual Subscription$1786.18 per year[cc_product sku="hvac-hosted-annual-texas" display="inline" quantity="false" price="false"]
Support For One Year$649.50 per year[cc_product sku="hvac-support-texas" display="inline" quantity="false" price="false"]
Make A PaymentMultiples of $162.38 based on quantity chosen[cc_product sku="hvac-payment-texas" display="inline" quantity="false" price="false"]
HVAC Office Pricing( Sales Tax Calculated At Checkout )
Hosted - Monthly Subscription $150.00 per month

$150.00Add to cart

Hosted - Annual Subscription$1,650.00 per year

$1,650.00Add to cart

Support For One Year - 5 User Onsite Installations$800.00 per year

$800.00Add to cart

Support for One Year - 10 User Onsite Installations$1,600.00 per year

$1,600.00Add to cart

Make A PaymentMultiples of $150.00 based on quantity chosen

$150.00Add to cart


If you are not redirected to the shopping cart after selecting your purchase product above, click on the Go To Shopping Cart button below:

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